Rock County - J - Obituary Index
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[Research Note] William Jorgensen's first wife was Emma (Boge) Jorgensen 1867-1921.
Well Known Former Remsen Woman Passes Away at Luverne, Minn. Funeral Held Here Tuesday.
News of the death of Mrs. Wm. Jorgensen, of Luverne, Minn., formerly of Remsen, was received here last Saturday by relatives, and caused sincere regret among the scores of friends of the family. Mrs. Jorgensen passed away on Friday night, March 4. She had been in failing health for seven years. Her death was caused by internal troubles, her illness dating from severe stomach ailments for which she was operated three years ago. Mrs. Jorgensen was 53 years of age.
She is survived by her husband, eight children, two sisters and two brothers. The funeral was held in Remsen Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Jorgensen enjoyed good health thruout her life until about seven years ago. Three years ago she submitted to a serious operation for ulcers of the stomach, which afforded only temporary relief. Six weeks ago Mrs. Jorgensen became dangerously ill, and she was taken to a hospital in Dell Rapids, S.D., for treatment. In spite of the best of care and medical attention, her health failed rapidly and hopes for her recovery vanished two weeks ago. She passed away at nine o'clock last Friday evening.
Mrs. Jorgensen was born at Woerden, Schleswig Holstein, Germany, December 4, 1867. At a very early age she accompanied her parents to the United States, the family settling at Keystone, Benton county, Iowa. Here she lived with the family until she reached young womanhood, and on August 25, 1887, she was united in marriage to Charles Feuerbach, also of the place. Mr. Feuerbach died in 1893, while the family was living on a farm near Remsen.
In 1896 she was married to Wm. Jorgensen, of Remsen. The family left Iowa in 1907, going to a farm near Dell Rapids, S.D., where they resided until last March, moving then to Luverne, Minn.
Mrs. Jorgensen was the mother of nine children, one of whom, Elizabeth Feuerbach, passing away in 1913 at the age of 20 years. The remaining children are: Margareth Feuerbach, Luverne, Minn.; Herman Feuerbach, Trosky, Minn.; Mrs. Esther Wilson, Paw Paw, Mich.; Viola Jorgensen, Luverne, Minn.; Leslie Jorgensen, Dell Rapids, S.D.; Emory Jorgensen, Erna Jorgensen, and Lylas Jorgensen, of Luverne. Besides the husband, and children, there are three grand children and four sisters and brothers, who are: Jacob and Herman Boge, of Remsen, Mrs. Lena Theissen, of Keystone, Iowa, and Mrs. Anna Groth, of Sibley, Iowa.
Mrs. Jorgensen was well known in and around Remsen, having made her home here for a number of years, and enjoyed the friendship and highest esteem of all who knew her. She was a lovable woman, an excellent wife and mother, and a staunch friend and Christian. Her death is keenly felt by the esteemable family, who have the sympathy of their many friends.
The body was brought to Remsen for burial, arriving her Monday evening. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, with services in Christ Evangelical Lutheran church, conducted by Rev. Fred Wahlers. Interment was in the Remsen cemetery.
Those from a distance, besides the immediate family, who attended the funeral, were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorgensen, Dell Rapids; Ed. Jorgensen, Peru, Nebr., Mrs. Lena Theissen and Mrs. Peter Eichmeier, of Keystone, Iowa, and Mrs. Anna Groth and daughter Mollie, of Sibley, Iowa.
Source: Remsen Bell-Enterprise, February 17, 1921, page 1, column 3.
Submitted by researcher, L. Mohning
Laura Jorgensen.
LUVERNE, Minn. – Laura M. Jorgensen, 99, Luverne, died Tuesday at Mary Jane Brown Nursing Home, Luverne.
Laura Holck was born in Cherokee County, Iowa, and married John Boll. He preceded her in death. She later married William K, Jorgensen. He died in 1956.
Survivors include a daughter, Esther Anderson, Sherman Oaks, Calif.; five grandchildren: 11 great-grandchildren and a sister Lizzie Falke, Remsen, Iowa.
Services will be 11:30 a.m. Friday at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Luverne, Burial will be in Remsen, Iowa. Engebretson Funeral Home, Luverne, is handling the arrangements.
Source: Sioux Falls Argus-Leader, January 15,1981
William K. "Bill" Jorgensen.
Mr. Jorgensen was a member of a family of early settlers here, lived here on a farm until his marriage after which he settled at Luverne. Surviving are the widow and several children. Funeral services will be held in St. John’s Lutheran church in Luverne at one o’clock Saturday afternoon, after which the body will be brought to Remsen for burial, which is expected to be about 4:30 or 5 o’clock.
Source: Remsen Bell-Enterprise, Thursday, September 20, 1956, page 1
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