Rock County - L - Obituary Index
Alphabetically Indexed

Mrs. Amelia Linnell (1881-1953)
Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, SD)
Saturday Sept. 12, 1953
Luverne, Minn. — Linnell, Mrs. Amelia, 72.
Died at her home.
Funeral services were held at the Smith Funeral Home, with the Rev. George M. Ekstrom officiating. Burial was in the Maplewood Cemetery.
Born Jan. 27, 1881, in Germany.
Was married to Chester H. Linnell at Colona, Ill., March 20, 1901.
Active in Royal Neighbors and Rebekah lodges.Was Recorder for the Royal Neighbors for a number of years.
Was a member of the Luverne Presbyterian Church and the January Circle of the Ladies Aid.
Survived by a son, Rodney Faye, Luverne; a granddaughter, Mrs. Shirley Stillson, Minneapolis; a brother, William E. Lowe, Bedford, Va.; four sisters, Mrs. D. A. Taylor, Orangeville, Ill., Mrs. V. O. Roby and Mrs. Charles Titus Coth, both of Moline, Ill., and Mrs. Edgar Linnell, Faith; and two half-sisters, Mrs. Ed Swanson and Mrs. Max Arhndt, Geneseo, Illinois.
~Submitter, Volunteer researcher

Alta D. Lorenzen (d. 2005)
Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, SD)
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Luverne, MN—Alta D. Lorenzen, age 99, of Luverne, Minnesota, died Saturday, November 19, 2005, at the Mary Jane Brown Good Samaritan Home in Luverne. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10:30 AM, with the visitation Tuesday from 4-8 PM, with family present from 6-8 PM, all at the Hartquist Funeral Home - Engebretson Chapel in Luverne. Burial will be in Trotsky Cemetery, Trotsky, Minnesota.
She is survived by her two daughters, Lavonne Scott of Red Wing, MN, and Marian Braa of Luverne, MN; one son, Melvin (Thelma) Lorenzen, of Hillsboro, ND; family and friends.
~Submitter, Volunteer researcher
MNGenWeb 2022